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Insights & Reflections
Applied Behavioural Science
Institutional Fundraising
Strategy & Implementation
Pick My Brain
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About us
Insights & Reflections
Applied Behavioural Science
Institutional Fundraising
Strategy & Implementation
Pick My Brain
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Starter Insight
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To what extent can you confidently identify the key behavioural barriers and enablers needed for evidence-based interventions?
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Not confident
By "Very Confident" we meant that: • You can independently map determinants using frameworks and models. • You have strong grasp of theoretical constructs. • You can map identify social and behavioural constructs in various data sources.
How would you rate your ability to select and apply appropriate behavioural theories to solve real-world challenges?
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Not confident
By "Very Confident" we meant that: • You can confidently identify the correct methods and translate them into communication tools and other design products. • You can match the right theoretical method to specific behavioural determinants with ease.
How effective are you at creating interventions that reflect the cultural and social context of your target audience?
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Not confident
By "Very Confident" we meant that: • You adapt interventions to reflect local cultural norms, language, and traditions, building trust and engagement within the community. • You incorporate audience feedback to ensure cultural relevance in materials and messaging.
How comfortable are you with using iterative processes, like piloting and feedback, to improve your interventions?
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Not confident
By "Very Confident" we meant that: • You know which tools to use to analyse participant feedback and how to use this information to adjust strategies and improve programme outcomes. • You have the skills to integrate lessons learned into future iterations, ensuring continuous improvement.
How skilled are you at ensuring inclusivity and addressing power imbalances in your programme design?
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Not confident
By "Very Confident" we meant that: • You design co-creation workshops where marginalised voices guide decision-making and programme priorities. • You monitor and adapt interventions to make space for various groups to feel represented and empowered.