Insights & Reflections

Sarah Osman

Evaluating projects with a behavioural perspective

According to the leading evaluation resource, Better Evaluation, “evaluation, in its broadest sense, refers to any systematic process to judge merit, worth or significance by combining evidence and values”. One way in which many evaluations can be made more informative and user-friendly would be to incorporate behavioural international design frameworks as a way of assessing the extent to which an intervention truly made a difference in a community.

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Sarah Osman

Debunking and Pre-bunking: A brief overview of the application of Inoculation Theory to combat misinformation

Inoculation Theory postulates that attitudes can be inoculated against persuasive attacks by building the ‘cognitive immune system’, the same way that one can build biological immunity. Similarly to a biological vaccination, this psychological vaccination can be brought about by exposing individuals to a persuasive message that contains weakened versions of the argument.

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Sarah Osman

Characteristics of impactful information campaigns

Information is a fundamental part of behaviour change. However, the way that this information is conveyed is crucial. The format, dosage, framing, structure, and delivery are amongst many factors that influence the quality of the piece of information being delivered.

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Sarah Osman

Useful behavioural mindsets

Success in applying behavioural methods to projects requires a bit more than following specific guidelines prescribed in books. At the heart of an impactful social and behaviour change project is the way in which the project team and the organisation view and think about what they are doing. With a new year ahead of us, here are five behavioural mindsets to consider.

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