Category: Uncategorized
Does the term ‘behaviour change’ make you uncomfortable?
Every year, I work with several INGOs on applying social and behavioural science approaches to programme design. A thing I come across often is people’s discomfort with using the term ‘behaviour change’ in the context of international development. I understand where the discomfort comes from, and I think we should have a serious discussion about…
Effectiveness of mass media, entertainment education and digital SBC on adolescent SRH behaviour
According to the HIPs, mass media is one of several proven practices recommended for widespread implementation as part of a comprehensive family planning strategy, provided that there is monitoring of coverage, quality, and cost as well as implementation research to strengthen impact.
Tips for getting the most out of formative research
Far too often, I have seen formative research used as a tick-box exercise. The formative research report should be a document that accompanies the project team throughout the programme design and iteration phases. It helps the team ensure that they are responding to real needs and not design interventions that no-one asked for.
Social, behavioural and neuroscience insights on peacebuilding
Khartoum, Sudan is my city of birth. War is not new to Sudan, but a war breaking out in Khartoum on 15 April 2023 was a huge shock to the world. The Horn of Africa (comprising of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia and Somaliland) along with Sudan and South Sudan, are notorious for being turbulent and…
Who to include in the SBC project design process
Over the years that I have been working with organisations on designing and implementing social and behaviour change (SBC) projects, I have seen many variations of how to put together a team that will design an impactful SBC project. When I zoomed into the ways in which successful projects are similar, I found the common…
Application of a social and behaviour change communication approach to the design of protection information campaigns
The application of an SBCC approach to the design of information campaigns for Afghan migrants travelling through irregular routes was a novel approach. We would like to offer some reflections and lessons learnt that may help in growing the field of integrating a behavioural science lens to the design of information campaigns.
Reflections on the 2022 International Social and Behaviour Change Communication Summit
I attended the long-awaited International Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) Summit in Marrakesh from 5-9 December. It was so good to finally meet so many clients and collaborators in person, and to make connections with like-minded behavioural science fanatics!
How to make a literature review useful for your team
For most projects, I recommend conducting or commissioning a literature review before anything else. It’s an efficient and cost-effective way to help you focus your intervention design, or plan further formative research if it turns out that that is necessary. The challenge though is what to do once that 50-page report is ready!
How does behavioural theory improve intervention design?
Recently, I was confronted with an interesting question: what evidence do we have that programme intervention design is best served by using a theory? Do we have concrete data and evidence that using theory leads to more effective interventions? In my quest for a decent response, I realised that the question isn’t so much why…
Modelling: theoretical underpinnings and parameters for correct application
Modelling is an interesting behaviour change method to understand because it seems that the scale of interventions that can be designed using it can make it very cost-effective, for example, due to the number of potential viewers of a film whose behaviour could be influenced. To help NGO practitioners take full advantage of modelling as…