My name is Amel Benzerga and I am a social and behaviour change specialist. I have a BSc in Psychology and Language Sciences from University College London (UCL) and a Master’s of Public Policy from Sciences Po Paris, specialised in Global Health.
My professional experiences span across academia, market research and international development. The projects I have worked on have focused on a range of topics including: misinformation management, religious prejudice, improving medical appointment attendance, strengthening community engagement practices, and increasing COVID-19 vaccination uptake.
Through my work I strive to better understand what works, where, and for whom. Characteristics that often, if not always, influence how a person behaves and makes decisions – whether it be about their health, environment, or education.
I am half Algerian and half American. I have lived in Madagascar, South Africa, Eswatini, England, the United States, and France – and have worked on projects in many more places in Africa, Europe, and Central Asia.